Foster The Future works closely with members of Foster The People to create events and projects
to encourage and inspire people to help one another and build community.
After two summers on the road meeting non-profits, volunteers and people like YOU - we've come across some pretty amazing people doing their best to build community, do good and foster the future. So we thought we'd use 12 days of [Good]mas to share some of our favorites and encourage you to get involved.
Foster The Future hit the road again for the Foster The People 2012 North American tour. We outgrew the bus, and were able to invite MORE people to come help. Volunteers worked hard to build community, make a difference and bring awareness to Saving The Arts.
Foster The People launched Foster The Future by partnering with Do Good Bus during their 2011 summer tour. Volunteers were picked up at the venue in each city and taken to a mystery volunteer activity in their community. Do-Gooders did everything from feeding the homeless to recycling mattresses to handing out books to kids.